Ask A Cop
Ask A Cop is live and unscripted. Each episode gives other officers and the community a window into a police officer's world and provides authentic community engagement with law enforcement professionals.Listeners can relate by asking questions, hearing some of their own struggles, and finding solutions. Despite preconceived notions, these men and women, who serve and protect, are approachable and eager to answer questions. This resource provides meaningful engagement for officers, their families, and the community. As chaplains, we have witnessed the immeasurable rewards of simply sitting down and having these positive conversations. Produced in partnership with Gods Way Radio.
Ask A Cop
Ask A Cop Extra - Why does the Holiday Season impact our officers?
The Holiday Season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also present unique challenges for our first responders. Due to the shift work, the increased crime and other difficult factors, law enforcement are especially burdended during this time of the year. On this Ask A Cop Extra we speak with Mailyn Sosa-Castellanos who works as a clinician at a local Miami Dade Police Department. We are reminded that the community could pray for our first responders. As family and friends we can be creative to maintain the love at home, even if it's during non-traditional ways and times.