Ask A Cop
Ask A Cop is live and unscripted. Each episode gives other officers and the community a window into a police officer's world and provides authentic community engagement with law enforcement professionals.Listeners can relate by asking questions, hearing some of their own struggles, and finding solutions. Despite preconceived notions, these men and women, who serve and protect, are approachable and eager to answer questions. This resource provides meaningful engagement for officers, their families, and the community. As chaplains, we have witnessed the immeasurable rewards of simply sitting down and having these positive conversations. Produced in partnership with Gods Way Radio.
Ask A Cop
014: What is it like in the life of a 911 call taker?
Police Call Taker with Aquil Roberts
The number of emergency calls received by the police every year is staggering. In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of emergency calls received in police call centers that require immediate attention. Law enforcement officers are there to protect and serve you. When you call 911, their first job is to get you help, and knowing where you are, connects you to the help you need. A lot of things happen at home that are not foreseeable, and learning your addresses and street avenues and teaching them to your children is key to getting help when you need it. Law enforcement is a family that comes together to serve, protect, and provide you, with a way for you to have help, direction, and protection from the criminal elements that are part of society.
Join the conversation with Aquil Roberts as he shares his role as a Police Call Taker, his experience with the calls, and how he manages his mind, soul, and spirit to show up as his best self for his job and family. Robert was born and raised in Miami and has been working for eight (8) years with the city of Miami Police Department. Learn the process to follow to get help when you have a problem, someone has been hurt, a crime has been committed, or there is any emergency situation.
During this episode:
[00:01] Intro
[01:45] A bit about our guest today, Aquil Roberts, a Police Call Taker
[02:04] Who is a Police Call Taker? Find out
[04:10] The call takers and how they work to serve the citizens
[06:25] Being prepared for the low points and high points call
[08:28] Weird and wild call season Aquil has experienced
[12:49] Callers' emotions, aims, and how they comfort them to get the information
[17:58] Tips on teaching kids to call and get help from 911 center
[22:24] The age to start teaching children to call 911, and why it’s valuable
[29:26] Support that the 911 call takers get because of their stressful work
[34:20] Why the police call taker is the lifeline between the citizen and help
[38:48]How working for 911 has changed Aquil as a family man
[48:45] How to maintain your mental health without taking your job home as a call taker
[50:41]The opportunities Aquil had to bring God and His giftings in his work
[54:01] The hotline for non-emergency and how to get connected
[55:00] Light question session to know Aquil deeper
[56:16] Ending the show
Notable Quotes
- God hears us when we call out to him.
- You can be part of law enforcement and order by simply taking part in prayer.
- Knowing where you are is key to getting help.
- The world is nasty, but God has so much grace for us.
- Your job shouldn’t give you your identity, God gives us our identity.